No Leash Needed
How Dogs Learn - Seminar Notes
Miss the seminar? This document covers the items discussed during the Introduction Seminar to Day Training.
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Getting Started
This article discusses some tips and the foundations of marker training- a must read for all training clients.
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Marker Training Tips
This is a quick cheat sheet to improve handling skills with your dog, follow these simple steps for long-term success
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Effective Rewards
Learn what types of rewards motivate your dog and determine if you are using the right treat/toy and portion.
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Practice Commands
Learn what types of rewards motivate your dog and determine if you are using the right treat/toy and portion.
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Proofing Tips
Learn what types of rewards motivate your dog and determine if you are using the right treat/toy and portion.
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Prong Collar Tips
If you currently use a prong collar or need one for training, follow these tips. Prong collars take skill and should be used carefully.
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How Dogs Learn Seminar
To ensure you have looked over the presentation, please answer the questions in the linked form and reply with the answers.
Quadrants of Learning Theory
In this clip, we discuss the quadrants of learning theory and its application in dog training. Learn about applications of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment.
Introduction to Marker Training
Marker Training is an effective method in communicating with your dog to teach desired behaviors. In this short clip, we break down the fundamentals of marker training.
The Clicker Vs. Verbal Marker
In this segment, we discuss why No Leash Needed uses our voices to communicate and teach our dogs as opposed to a clicker.
Variations in Rewards
To keep your dog engaged and having fun, mix up the level and types of rewards. Shannon discusses how she does this demonstrating with her dog Sylas.
Charging The Mark
Find out how we give meaning to the word "Yes". Watch Shannon demonstrate "charging the mark" with Sylas.
Rock Climbing
Have your dog "place" on any object, (like a big rock or step) for 30 seconds outside.
The Place Command
Watch NLN owner, discuss how we train, generalize, and proof the "Place" command. She starts off with a dog that has not done any obedience. Then she moves to how we generalize the command to different objects with a couple dogs. Finally, she shows you how to proof the "Place" command at home.
Luring Into Position
Teach your dog basic commands using a lure. Remember, you are not bribing your dog. Make sure to “Yes” when your dog is in position.
The Concept of Luring
In this video, we discuss how to teach a dog new behaviors using Luring. We also cover how to ween out the lure so that you are not using "bribery" to get your dog to perform commands.
Leave It!
Teach your dog to "Leave It". Make sure to start off slow to ensure your dog understands the command.
The Leave It Command
In this video, we discuss how to begin teaching the "leave it" command to your dog. We also discuss how to handle mistakes and provide some advanced applications of the command. Remember, start off slow with this command and be patient!
Charging The Mark
Spend 2-3 minutes with your dog on leash. Do not give out commands, but reward every good behavior (sits, downs, look). Change directions to get your dog moving. "Yes" and reward EVERY time your dog does these behaviors. Ignore negative behaviors
Patience at Doors
Walk your dog through doorways. Do not let them lead you. Make them sit while you walk through first and call them to you.
Dancing Distractions
Have your dog hold a "Down" Command. Dance or run around your dog making sure they keep their position
Dinner Time
Teach your dog to wait outside the kitchen while you are preparing Dinner. Use "Place" if necessary.
Daily Practice Commands
These assignments are meant to be suggestions for everyday practice. Remember, the most important thing in achieving obedience from your dog is practice and consistency. Find them here.